These are just some of my thoughts related to the mental battle that rages when I allow it. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be ignorant, or at least tolerant, of my own flaws. My struggle with perfectionism and being obsessive about things had me holding onto a finished story for seven years.

  •  8/22/2019 08:00 PM

When publishing independently, there are a lot of factors that can feel very overwhelming. Sometimes I question whether I have it in me to persevere. This second book in the Trinity Trilogy is one I have read multiple times and will probably read multiple more. It includes things that bring out emotion and challenge me to evaluate my own life and encounters. It's one where I feel a deep connection to my characters, almost as if they were real.

  •  8/17/2019 02:56 AM

This is a brief description of the setting for background knowledge as you become accustomed to the story and its characters.

  •  7/25/2019 03:48 PM

It wasn't my intention to write a book in the beginning. I really just wanted an outlet for the ideas and conversations the characters were having in my head.

  •  7/17/2019 05:08 PM